Application of Pavement Condition Index (PCI) on the Assessment of the Kalumata Highway of the City of South Ternate

Sabaruddin Sabaruddin, Alvret Deni


In general, roads are built as infrastructure to facilitate mobility and accessibility of socio-economic activities in society. The existence of the highway is very necessary to support the growth rate of the economy, agriculture and other sectors. Considering the benefits that are so important, therefore, matters related to the development and maintenance of  roads are  a  priority to  be researched and developed in  planning, implementing and maintaining them. One of  the research targets is the one km Kalumata highway in the city of South Ternate which suffered significant damage, both minor damage, moderate damage and severe damage to some of these roads. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and extent of damage to the road surface, and provide measures to repair road damage based on the level and type of damage that occurred. The application of the PCI is carried out by visual survey stages at the research location, determining the type and level of damage and measuring the damage dimensions which include length, width and depth, calculating the area of damage, analyzing the damage condition. Based on the results of the analysis, the surface of the Kalumata- road in Ternate is classified as a severity level with a PCI value of 0.00. an alternative improvement that is appropriate is routine.

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