Mode Choice Modelling For Interisland Transportation in North Maluku

Raudha Hakim


This research discusses to study and to analyze speedboat and Fast Boat users on the Ternate-Sofifi route and seeing preferences for choosing mode changes in  travel costs, trips, itineraries and frequency of trips. The research activity carried out publishes the initial survey and the  main  survey  through  the  distribution of  questionnaires prepared  by  the  method  stated  a preference. This research was conducted on 120 respondents and collected as many as 98 who met the requirements (valid). These questionnaires were distributed during field surveys directly on port speedboats and fast boats in the city of Ternate. The results of the questionnaire were further processed to obtain the characteristics of respondents and the model of a quick ship and speedboat ship mode selection. The purpose of the trip is mostly official travel for quick ship users and family / social needs for speedboat users. While the reasons for choosing the crossing, mode are considerations for quick ship and frequency reasons for speedboat ship users. Mode selection models between  quick  ship  and  speedboat  ship  obtained  in  the  form  of   linear  equations  are:                                               = - 4,356 - 0.00000787X1 + 0.545X2 + 1,275 X3 - 0.067X4. With 4 attributes, they are: X1 = Travel expenses., X2 = Travel time X3 = Travel schedule and X4 = Frequency of Reception. Results Measurement of the percentage of all attributes (R2) obtained a value of 42.7%.

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