Maintenance of Peeler Onion based on Efectiveness

Nila Nurlina, R M Bisono


In a manufacturing industry as we are experiencing nowadays, maintenance is one of the required strategies for companies that intend to survive. One of the causes of decreased productivity is the machine often breakdown. Maintenance is an activity carried out to maintain the condition of the engine so that it can carry out its functions properly. In this research, the maintenance procedure taken to treat the onion peeler. The purpose of this research is to find out how the appropriate procedure to treat the onion peeler machine based on its effectiveness. Machine effectiveness is calculated by considering the quality, performance, and availability factors. These three factors were obtained by observing the onion processing business entity in Nganjuk Regency, East Java. The effectiveness is used as a reference to get the cause of machine breakdown. Maintenance is done by considering 5S culture. The results of this study are obtained by the procedure of maintenance of onion peeler which can be easily carried out by the operator continuously.

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