Analysis of SWOT Marketing Strategies and 7P Influence on Purchasing Decision

Ana Komari, L D Indrasari, A Y Tripariyanto


This study builds on finding out how high the demand for traditionally packaged traditional herbal drinks on purchasing decisions using SWOT analysis and the 7P model. The 7P model consists of product, price, place, people, process, physical evidence, promotion. To find out the potential of herbal medicine with a 7P and Analysis. This study uses a dependent and independent variable to determine the steps of the purchasing decision. then in the 7P model analysis, X1 variables influence purchasing decisions because Fcount = 49.707 > Ftable = 2.11. For variables X2, X3, X4, X5 does not have an effect because this beverage product is still relatively new and better marketing must be done so that consumers understand and can provide purchasing decisions that meet the expectations of producers, then in the SWOT analysis the value (X, Y ) i.e. (-2, 3) which means that analyzing decisions requires a high level of loyalty towards the next research for the better result. In the future, how to sell Jamu might be maximized using online methods that are already available on websites and online stores

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