Improvement of Inspection Section of PT. ABC using 5S Method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Siketsu, Shitsuke)

S R Widodo, S Rahayuningsih, A Y Tripariyanto, L D Indrasari


Recently, the company must have an efficient level of quality and time to produce its products.  The  purpose  of  this  research  is  to  improve  the  company's  overall  performance  by maintaining order, efficiency, and discipline in the workplace. The method used to improve the performance of  this  company is  5S  method (Seiri,  Seiton,  Seiso,  Seiketsu, Shitsuke). 5S  is  an continuing improvement that utilizes the workplace by training workers' habits to improve work discipline. The result of this research is that PT. ABC has a sufficient category in the application of 5S in its working environment viewed from several findings within the company. The score of audit results by the company's internal auditor is 52 where the score is still far from 152. The total score of the current 5S program conducted by the company is 51.11%. Therefore, the proposed improvement that can be given to improve performance is to make the procedure of all activities, provide labels for each area of storage, and involve all employees in each program of the company

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