Implementation of System Dynamics in Hospital Services for Improving Inpatient Rooms Utilization

Heri Supriyanto, E Suryani


Hospitals are an important part of the health system. This agency consists of several services. One type of main service that is quite complex and needs to be considered is inpatient installation. The hospital should make a structural and functional utilization effort by increasing the utilization of service space related to the number of available beds. To measure utilization of facilities in inpatient services, an indicator of inpatient services is needed to measure it. These indicators include BOR (Bed Ocupanccy Rate), which is the percentage of beds filled, LOS (Length of Stay), namely the average length of stay, TOI (Turn Over Interval), which is the average free time of bed, BTO (Bed Turn Over), namely bed productivity. From the values produced, later it can be used as material for determining service facility policies in the future. The purpose of this study is to create a model with a system dynamic so that it has an ideal indicator value. The scenario in this research is to increase utilization of bed use, the first strategy of this scenario is to increase the number of patient visits, because based on reference data the patient's visit is too low. This is evidenced by the value of the BOR which is less than the ideal value. The second effort is to maximize patient care. The results of the scenario show that in 2019 to 2030 the average score of BOR was 79%, LOS 3 Days, TOI 1 Day, and BTO 41 Times.

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