Structuring Area Tourism Development Based Merauke Buti Beach Informal Sector (Small Business)

Henry Soleman Raubaba, Yosi Valentina Simorangkir, Sari Octavia


The extraction or mining of sand along Buti Beach's lips makes the coastal tourism condition increasingly insecure and its environment results in abrasion along Buti Beach and becomes a threat to the surrounding settlements. This happened, one of which was due to the condition of the people who did not understand and this condition was made worse by making mining as a result of livelihoods. The development of tourist areas should involve the community because the purpose of development is to improve the welfare of the people, especially the local people. Development through structuring activities needs to  be followed by fostering the potential of human and natural resources in order to strengthen the economy of the people so that they can participate in the development of urban facilities and are not marginalized. This research was conducted qualitatively, by conducting questionnaires, discussions and interviews. Through discussion and interviews, local responses to alternative arrangements for users are the main thinking. Alternative structuring is carried out based on the results of literature review with the viewpoint of practical empirical theory and phenomenology used in helping them choose arrangements that are appropriate to the environment. The results achieved in this study are sustainable settlement arrangements and can encourage the development of potential community empowerment in the coastal area of Buti.

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