Strategic Model For Land Dispute Due To Nickel Mining Business In North Maluku Province

Rusdin Alauddin, Husen Alting, Andi Sumar Karman


The phenomenon of land disputes as the result of the nickel mining business is widespread across Indonesia. Identification of the root problems underlying the land disputes is due to the inappropriate amount of land compensation given by business actors to the community as the owner of the land, which potentially leads to a wider conflict between nickel mining actors and the people that will, therefore, affect the regional development. Non-litigation, resolving or settling any dispute without bringing in a lawsuit or without the intervention of the court is considered as a strategic model. Consensus decision-making ‘musyawarah’ together with formulation of agreement/lease between businessmen and the community as the owner of the land in a certain period of time is the right choice. By doing so, the relationship of land ownership will not be interrupted and after the agreement expires, the land will be returned to society.

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