Prefixes In Tontemboan Language

R S Rorimpandey, T Kumajas, F H Mandang


Local language belongs to the culture of its speaker. Research might be one of the efforts of perpetuating it. Tontemboan language is one of the local languages in Minahasa. The purpose of this study is to describe one side of morphological process of Tontemboan language, which is focussed on the prefixes of the language, their arrangement and combination with the other morphemes to forms words and their function.   In conducting this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach by implementing descriptive method. In collecting the data she uses several techniques: observation, interview, analysing recorded text. the informants are chosen according to certain criteria. They come from Raanan baru. In fact, the prefixes in the language are productive forming words, they are ma-, paka-, ta-, ka-, maka-, and meki-, these prefixes change the word categories.

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