Indexicals Used by UNIMA Community: Pragmatic Study

Veronika Listi Ferdini Damopolii, Ignatius Javier C. Tuerah, Arie Tulus, Jane Tuilan


This study describes the use of diexis used by people who live or study around Manado State University (UNIMA) in communicating. Yule (1996: 9) said this expression is also called indexical. The purposes of this study are to find out what indexical used by the people of UNIMA and to describe its meaning and function.  This research will be analyzed using pragmatic analysis. The objects of this study are students of Unima, Language and Art Faculty and surrounding residents who lived in housing near the Unima Language and Art Faculty. The researcher will explain what indexical used, mention the speaker and addressee and see the context when indexical expressions are used so that the use of pragmatics is very important to analyze the data. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research.  The results showed that the indexical expressions used by the UNIMA community are persona indexical, place indexical, time indexical and social indexical, in addition to the function, they use indentical expressions are tocall for fellow level or age and also as the expresion of familiarity, to showyounger age or lower position and to show correction and affirmation, to show the similarity of age or level, to show respect, to show the place intended, to show closeness, respect to the older, respect to the lecturer, to call girl/woman of the same age, to show intimacy and love, and to show politeness.

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