Effect of Using Chemsketch on Teaching Molecular Shape of Hydrocarbon to Increase Student’s Achievement

Dewi Natalia Marpaung, Lamtiar Ferawaty Siregar, Jesi Jecson Pongkendek


This research was aim to know the effectiveness of using chemsketch in teaching molecular shape of hydrocarbon to increase student achievement. hydrocarbon is very interesting to be discussed. As we known hydrocarbon is one of difficult subject matter in senior high school. Many students considered that chemistry is a difficult subject and it makes them boring. To solve this problem especially for molecular shape of hydrocarbon chemsketch was effective to increase student’s achievement, chemsketch implemented by powerpoint in the teaching and learning process of hydrocarbon topic. The research conducted in SMAN 5 Medan sample that used consists of two class, experiment class, and control class. The result showed that chemsketch with powerpoint effective to increase student’s achievement in hydrocarbon. Increasing student’s achievement showed the average of pretest score is 39.71 and posttest score is 81.71. Percentage of passed students in post-test is 86.49% (32 students). By using chemsketch student’s was motivated to study hydrocarbon.

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