Analysis of Processing Adding Values of Glutinous Rice into “Wajik Peceran”

Nina Maksimilia Ginting, Ferdinand Christianto Situmorang, Merry Dawapa, Sajriawati Sajriawati, Stenly Wairara, Astaman Astaman


This study aims to determine the stages of processing glutinous rice into diamonds, to find out how much income the business of processing glutinous rice into diamonds, to determine the amount of added value generated from processing glutinous rice into diamonds, to find out the processing of glutinous rice into viable diamonds or not worth the effort in the research area. This research was conducted in Sempajaya Village, Berastagi Subdistrict, Karo District which was conducted purposively. The sampling method is by using a purposive method where the sample is Mrs. H. Arsini Siregar who manages glutinous rice to become diamonds at home industry scale. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis method, the method of calculating income where revenue is reduced by production costs, value-added calculation methods, and feasibility analysis methods (R / C ratio and Break Event Point / BEP). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded 1) The stages of processing glutinous rice into diamonds on a household industry scale consist of the supply of raw materials to the cutting of diamonds. 2) Revenue is high where the income earned is Rp. 45,064,472.23 / month. 3) The added value generated from the processing of diamond scale at home industry is Rp. 47,172,472.23 / month and the value added ratio is 62.83%, so value added diamond processing is classified as high in the research area. 4) Business processing of diamonds in the research area is feasible with an R / C ratio of 2.5> 1, BEP production of 20,007 pieces <total production of 50,050 pieces / month, and BEP priced at IDR 599.61 / piece <selling price of IDR 1,500 / piece /month.

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