The Effective Implementation of National Program to Empowerment Urban Independent Community (Case Study in Desa Kertasada Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep)

Nurlaily Wulandari, Ach. Zuhri, Agung Purnomo


In the efforts of poverty alleviation, the Government has issued various poverty programs, one of which is PNPM MP. However, this program only describes the program that has been implemented and will not be able to reveal its effectiveness in overcoming poverty. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in Desa Kertasada village, Kecamatan Kalianget, SUMENEP and the factors affecting the implementation of PNPM MP.This research uses qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques using observations, interviews and supported by secondary data. Research results show the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in the village of Kertasada is effective. Four indicators of five indicators meet the effectiveness of the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in Kertasada village. Factors that support the program is the socialization of the program, human resources as the perpetrator Mandiri urban, and community involvement of the planning process until the implementation of activities. While the inhibitory factor is, funding problems that tend to be late, the changing of the season and the less active the community in terms of the creation of the proposed activities.

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