Komisi Penyiaran Dalam Kajian Sosiologi Komunikasi (Studi Kasus Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah Jawa Timur)

Teguh Hidayatul Rachmad


Broadcasting frequencies to produce television and radio stations among the social development of society. Many hunters feel the information and radio messages telelvisi only is the right of citizens who have high capital capital. People who are in the islands is far from informasi. Information spread society must be accommodated properly by the role of the broadcasting commission (especially the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of East Java) as an autonomous body of regulation, so comes the equilibrium (balance) in the interaction between the individual or group
-group man in public life. Broadcast content should be me-represent local culture, especially the culture of the people of East Java. The effort to keep the local culture from the onslaught of globalization is still serving or broadcast noble culture of East Java through the broadcast media for the next generation of Indonesia.


Information Equilibrium, KPID Jatim, Local Culture

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/djs.v9i2.3746


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