Vespa Trash Culture Fan Communities in Bangkalan Madura
especially on the island of Madura. As the times , traditional culture has been fused with the
community Madura Madura , especially in Bangkalan. In today's era of modernity , traditional
culture has experienced a shift in meaning and cultural contestation. One example of modern
culture Growing in Bangkalan Madura is Vespa trash culture fan communities. In the community
many cultural rituals that becomes a lifestyle to be done by community members Vespa fans
trash .
Vespa trash culture fan communities grows and develops as a result of the strong
legitimacy of the dominant culture in Bangkalan Madura famous with Islamic culture. Conditions
and cultural situation in Bangkalan be an interesting study to set of problems amid the dominant
culture . Spradley as ethnographic data analysis techniques to look for, and gather information
from informants who then correlated with the conceptual framework .
The results of this thesis describes the form of contestation between the fan community
as a trash Vespa subculture with Islamic religious culture of Madura in the arena of power by
risking their capital in accordance with the realm, featuring a variety of strategies to maintain
(Islamic religious Madurese culture) or question the authority of the dominant culture (Vespa
community). Boarding schools, mosques and religious rituals that culture has led to the moment
the agent out of the structure to-madurese to move to trash vespa fan community anti-structure
with culture of freedom and togetherness or referred to as liminal situation .
Keywords : Lifestyle , Power Arena , Liminal Situation.
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