Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik untuk Budidaya Maggot sebagai Alternatif Pakan Tambak Guna Meningkatkan Perekonomian Desa Ngiliran, Kecamatan Panekan, Ka- bupaten Magetan

Miftahuddin Miftahudddin, Mhd Kholili, Lucky Dafira Nugroho


Until now, waste is still a complex problem for the environment. Poor waste manage- ment will result in various negative impacts on the surrounding environment. Waste management requires good management starting from the waste disposal site (TPS) to final disposal (TPA). Bioconversion technology of organic matter can be one solution to the waste problem. This com- munity service aims to increase knowledge and maximize the maximum use of organic waste by cultivating BSF maggot. The method used is socialization and training for people who manage  market waste in the village of Ngiliran. The activities carried out include making maggot feed, making BSF fly parent cages, and maggot enlargement cages, making BSF fly egg laying media. The results achieved by participants understood the maximum use of waste by cultivating mag- got, and so that it could improve the economy of Ngiliran Village, Panekan District.


waste management, organic trash, maggot

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Buletin Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa by Universitas Trunojoyo Madura is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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