Abid Muhtarom


Agriculture is the economic sector that makes the main business field for the community of East Java regency. The problems in the agricultural sector are complex. In fact, many government policies are also implemented starting from providing fertilizer subsidies, agricultural government expenditures. There are also low levels of education and a large dependency ratio. The land area continues to decline and causes some problems also for the agricultural sector, which will affect agricultural production. Addictive Simple Analysis Method LAD Least Absolout Deviation with panel data Agriculture 29 districts in East Java 2010-2016 period. Robust Regression analysis test showed that fertilizer, government spending and the dependency ratio has a positive effect, while education levels and negatively affect the land area. However, from the value of P-value of 0.000 and smaller than α = 0.05, it can be concluded that the predictor variables simultaneously affect the production. When viewed from the value of R 2 of 46.8 percent, it can be concluded that diversity in production of 46.8 percent variable determined by the diversity in the predictor variable, while the remaining 53.2 per cent is determined by other factors.


fertilizer subsidy; government spending; education level; the ratio of dependent; land and agricultural production


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