Lucius Hermawan


Product diversification is the company's efforts to increase sales through product diversification. Product diversification is intended to make the product last longer, leading to a product ready for consumption and use, fulfill the tastes, needs and expectations of customers, expand markets, facilitate transportation, employment, value-added, income and so forth. Necessary to diversify creativity, innovation, research, capital, promotion or marketing communication, assistance from government small and medium enterprises. But for companies that do not have a strong foundation, the diversification strategy will backfire for the company itself. Even a less innovative product diversification will be difficult to compete with competitors, the worse is the diversification of products will be consuming existing products (product cannibalism) and bring down each other.


Product diversification; purchasing behavior; cannibalism product


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/kompetensi.v9i2.1702


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Competence : Journal of Management Studies 
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