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Author Guidelines

  1. The article should be written with minimum 5500 words and maximum 8000 words, original, can be held accountable academically and relevant for the development of sociological studies and wider public.
  2. The article should attach an abstract written both in Indonesian and English. Abstract comprises 150-200 words, arranged into one paragraf which summarizes the overall content of the article.
  3. The author has to submit a brief profile about the author in each article, consisting full name, email and institutions.
  4. The article should be sent in an electronic form (doc or docx format) to the email address with subject: DIMENSI (Author’s full name)_Title of Article. Write down as well full address and phone number that can be used.
  5. By submitting article to this journal, the author accepts to hand over the copyright of the article in its complete form (abstract, table, picture, and illustration) to the Editor of DIMENSI: Journal of Sociology, Department of Sociology, FISIB, University of Trunojoyo Madura, including rights to republished in any types of media forms.
  6. Citation of reference, quotation in text, footnote, and bibliography uses ASA format (American Sociological Associations):
  • Single-authored Book: Seidman, Steven. 1983. Contested Knowledge: Social Theory in the Postmodern Era. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Two or Multiple-authored Book: Berger, Peter and Briggite Berger. 1975. Sociology: A Biographical Approach. New York: Basic Books.
  • Chapter in a Book: Widhyharto, Derajad. 2011.” Silent Prevention: Konsensus Generasi Muda Tanpa Narkoba”Pp. 331-347 in Pemuda Pasca Orba: Potret Kontemporer Pemuda Indonesia, Edited by Najib Azca, Subando and Lalu Wildan. Yogyakarta: Youth Studies Centre Fisipol UGM. 
  • Within the text, reference only need to cite the last name author, publication year, and page number.
  • In-text (Citation) reference, the name of the author is followed by the publication year in a paranthesis.
            Ketika Nugroho (2003) melakukan penelitian…
  • If the name of the author is not inside the text, the author’s last name and publication year is put into a single paranthesis:
            Ketika penelitian selesai dilakukan… (Rahadianto  2010)
  • If the page number is cited after the publication year place it after the sign of colon… Connell (1997:10)
  • For three authors, write down the last name of each author at the beginning; afterwards, reference only need to cite the first author’s last name et al; For more than three authors, reference cites the first author’s last name et al:
            (Berger, Berger and Kellner 1973) (Nilan et al. 2006)
  • Quotation in text should starts and ends with the quotation sign; reference is written after the closing quotation sign and ended with the dot sign.    “In any recent introductory textbook, whether written in the United States or on the other side of the world” (Waters and Crook 1993: 1).

7. Avoid footnote, unless it is very critical to provide further explanation outside the text. Footnote is written with minimal letters. Arrange footnote using numbers, and place it at the bottom of the page. Add source of reference if it is necessary.

8. At the end of text, all references that are in the text should be write down in the bibliography and arranged based on alphabates of the author’s last name.