Media Convergence as Universities’ Attraction: Study of the Use of E-Learning as a Marketing Communications Strategy of Private Higher Education Institution in Indonesia

Siti Komsiah, Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Dian Harmaningsih



The competition between higher education institutions in attracting prospective students
increased today. Each educational institution improve educational facilities and infrastructure
facilities, improvement of the curriculum, the quality of human resources, collaborate with
outside agencies, and emphasis the cost of education. The increase in the facility includes the
application of e learning on the course. E learning application provides convenience and
flexibility in teaching and learning activities. This paper is a presentation on marketing
communications strategies using e learning in the lecture as an attraction for students,
consumers of higher education institutions.
This research using survey method of students and then depth interviews with
managers of private universities whose implementing e learning programs in Indonesia. At the
time of this paper was written, research was already held in Jakarta (representing the western
region), Denpasar (representing the middle region), and will soon be carried out in Makassar
(representing the eastern region of Indonesia).
Our preliminary study, in Jakarta and Denpasar resulted in findings that e learning can
be partially marketing communications strategies for Private Higher Education Institution. That
is, the application of e learning as a teaching and learning method improve the Private Higher
Education Institution opportunity to be selected as a college by students. The findings of this
study academically useful as a reference for similar studies in the future. As a practical manner,
the findings of this study are expected to be a recommendation for the management of other
private universities in shaping the marketing strategy of the institution.

Keywords: E learning, Marketing Communication Strategy, Private Higher Education Institution



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