Communication Technology Backwash toward Interpersonal Communication Behavior

Agustinus Rustanda



The development of information and communication technology gives impact to the
users. It gives positive impacts and negative ones as well. There are harmful effects of
communication technology toward the change of communication behavior such as the
decline of the quality of face to face interpersonal communications, the destruction of family
to the loss of power and authority, the increase of crimes among youngsters that will lead them
to sexual harassment. The problem of this research is formulated as is there a positive and
significant effect between the development of communication technology to the change of
communication behavior. The objective of this research is to find out and analyze those effects.
Incidental sampling is implemented to collect data for this research. There were 623
valid questionnaires which will be analyzed in this research. These will be presented through
descriptive statistic and statistical analysis. This research is a quantitative method research with
linear simple regression by means of SPSS 20. The result of the research showed that 29%
variance of the change of communication behavior can be explained by the change of score in
communication technology variable whereas 71% is caused by other factors. Correlations (R
0.539) with degree of significance 0.000<0.05 became the proof to reject H0. It means that the
hypothesis there is an effect between the development of communication technology towards
the change of communication behavior cannot be rejected. The findings of this research are the
change of communication such as openness, instance, practicality, self-confidence, innovation,
inclusion, and technological literacy. On the other hand, there are negative communication
behaviors such as extravagance, deficiency of privacy, individualism, procrastination,
anxiety, indolence, insensibility, decline of reading habit, and emotional.
Keywords: Communication Technology, Interpersonal Communication Behavior, Backwash



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